House Corps leadership will provide updates on the latest RPI Shelter renovation plan and the associated financing plan going forward
House Corporation Meeting Agenda
(Sunday, December 8th, 2 PM EDT)
1. President’s Report
a. Updated Bylaws
2. Treasurer's Report
a. Checking Account Balance
b. Reserve Account Balance
c. Major Expenses / Revenue
3. New Business
a. Sunset Terrace Plan Agreement with RPI
b. Shelter Renovation Financing Plan
c. Shelter Renovation Scope of Work
d. Board Election
5. Old Business
House Corporation Elections
Elections will be held to vote on the following DTD Upsilon Chapter alumni who have each been nominated to become House Corporation board members.
Michael Clark (Bleech ’99) Alex Cosentino (Shrimp ’98)
Joseph Marra (Kiver ’02) Patrick Valiquette (Tampoon '06)
Stephen Valiquette (Cuetip '10) Chris Wolverton (Spritz '07)